Michael Binetti to Moderate Teleconference on Recent Marketing Enforcement Trends

Michael Binetti
Affleck Greene McMurtry LLP
Michael Binetti, partner at Affleck Greene McMurtry LLP, will co-moderate a teleconference Cross-border Update with the Enforcers: Recent Marketing Enforcement Trends in the US and Canada, presented by The CBA National Competition Law Section’s Marketing Practices and the ABA Consumer Protection Committees, on Thursday, June 15, 2017.
This program will provide an update on significant areas of enforcement on both sides of the border. Representatives from the Canadian Competition Bureau and the US Federal Trade Commission will discuss current consumer protection issues, and compare and contrast enforcement approaches.
Amy Mudge, Venable LLP, Washington D.C.
Michael Binetti, Affleck Greene McMurtry LLP, Toronto, Canada
Lesley Fair, Federal Trade Commission, Washington D.C.
Bryan Cowan, Competition Bureau, Gatineau, Canada
This a free teleconference for CBA Members, Section Affiliates and Competition Bureau Members.
CBA Members may register at: http://www.cbapd.org/details_en.aspx?id=NA_BBJUN1517
Competition Bureau Members, Section Affiliates: please email augustaa@cba.org