The Litigator
The Litigator
AGM :: Affleck Greene McMurtry LLP
Affleck Greene McMurtry LLP
365 Bay Street, Suite 200  ·  Toronto, Canada
416 360 2800  ·  ·

Contributor's Archive

Ardita Sinojmeri

Ardita Sinojmeri

Affleck Greene McMurtry LLP

Ardita joins Affleck Greene McMurtry LLP as an Associate Lawyer after completing her articles with the firm. Her growing practice encompasses a broad range of litigation matters including securities litigation, insurance defence, employment disputes, and shareholder disputes. Ardita earned her Juris Doctor from Western University’s Faculty of Law. Prior to joining the firm, she participated in a number of initiatives aimed at helping individuals and businesses struggling through COVID-19. Ardita looks forward to putting her legal, business, and community engagement skills to use in all the firm’s practice areas.

Contributor's Profile

Limitation Periods: Claims Against Insurers When You Don’t Know What Hit You

When an unidentified driver causes an accident, there may be no way to secure compensation for an injury, as the driver and the driver’s insurer may never be identified. This ... [more] Full article

Ontario Affirms Gatekeeping Function Of Robust Leave Test For Securities Class Actions

The well-documented barrage of litigation against Montreal-based engineering and construction giant SNC-Lavalin continues. In a recent decision by Justice Perell in Peters v. SNC-Lavalin Group Inc., 2021 ONSC 5021, the ... [more] Full article