Putting the “car” in “cartel”
Class actions have been filed in Ontario against German carmakers alleging that they coordinated the design and pricing of components in their cars. Kirk Baert, a partner at Koskie Minsky, who along with Ken Rosenberg of Paliare Roland acts for the plaintiff, said “Collusion of such a scale among such large companies is a serious issue. Consumers should not pay more, or receive an inferior product, so that such companies can maximize profits”. Despite these strong words, the plaintiffs may have an uphill battle establishing that the German carmakers breached Canada’s Competition Act. The case was triggered by explosive revelations ... [more]
IIROC and MFDA Can Now Collect Fines in Court
When CASL consents expire
Get ready for changes to Canada’s anti-spam law
Competition Law Review 2017
Review of major Canadian Competition Law developments over the past year, including: Top Stories, Criminal, Mergers, Reviewable Matters, Private Applications, Private Actions and Class Actions, Marketing Practices, Guidance. [more]
- Administrative Law (RSS) (23)
- Constitutional Law (RSS) (13)
- Municipal Law (RSS) (6)
- Political & Elections Law (RSS) (5)
- Announcements (RSS) (86)
- Canadian Law (RSS) (7)
- Canadian Law Whitepapers (RSS) (3)
- Case Summaries (RSS) (4)
- Commercial Litigation (RSS) (294)
- Anti-SLAPP (RSS) (3)
- Appeals and Judicial Review (RSS) (29)
- Arbitration (RSS) (20)
- Attacks on Business Interests (RSS) (5)
- Attacks on Reputation (RSS) (4)
- Banking Litigation (RSS) (10)
- Broker/Dealer litigation (RSS) (9)
- Civil Litigation (RSS) (13)
- Class Actions (RSS) (54)
- Conflicts of Law and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments (RSS) (16)
- Construction (including Performance and L&M Bond Defense) (RSS) (4)
- Corporate Litigation (RSS) (11)
- Debtor-Creditor and Banking Litigation (RSS) (11)
- Defamation (RSS) (9)
- Disputes over Contracts (RSS) (37)
- Disputes within Companies and Partnerships (RSS) (16)
- Employment Litigation (RSS) (32)
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- Injunctions (RSS) (10)
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- CASL / Anti-Spam (RSS) (6)
- Civil Anti-Competitive Conduct (RSS) (26)
- Class Actions and Other Private Actions (RSS) (46)
- Competition Bureau Investigations (RSS) (28)
- Competition Tribunal Litigation (RSS) (18)
- Compliance Programs (RSS) (1)
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- Consumer Protection (RSS) (21)
- Criminal Matters (RSS) (47)
- Fines & Settlements (RSS) (14)
- Indirect purchasers (RSS) (7)
- Marketing Practices and Telemarketing (RSS) (47)
- Mergers (RSS) (67)
- Private Actions (RSS) (12)
- Private Applications (RSS) (9)
- Developments (RSS) (214)
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- Year in Review / The Litigator (Print Edition) (RSS) (26)