Grave Misrepresentation Leads to Injunction
A headstone maker was recently ordered by the Nova Scotia Supreme Court to stop making false and misleading statements about a competitor who successfully brought a motion seeking injunctive relief. However, the court granted a narrower order than that sought by the plaintiff, enjoining only specific assertions of fact that were proven to be untrue. (Pre)Made in China? The dispute was between two competitors in the cemetery headstone and monuments business, DeMone Monuments and Granite Products Limited and Heritage Memorials Limited. DeMone, the plaintiff, alleged that Heritage falsely claimed that DeMone uses substandard materials and does not manufacture its own monuments. DeMone ... [more]
Ontario’s top court affirms denial of leave to amend claim in secondary market misrepresentation class action
The requirement for leave of the court in order to proceed with secondary market claims under Part XXIII.1 of the Securities Act continues to evolve and be the subject of extensive judicial commentary almost ten years after it came into force. [more]
Highway 407 ETR Tolls Discharged by Bankruptcy – Licence Plate Denials No More
Hollow Victory for Ecuadorian Villagers?
Is the Competition Act a “Complete Code”?
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