The Litigator
The Litigator
AGM :: Affleck Greene McMurtry LLP
Affleck Greene McMurtry LLP
365 Bay Street, Suite 200  ·  Toronto, Canada
416 360 2800  ·  ·



Divisional court clarifies narrow future crimes / fraud exception to solicitor-client privilege

The recent decision of the Divisional Court in Industrial Alliance Securities Inc. v. Kunicyn has clarified the test for the very narrow future crimes/fraud exception to solicitor-client privilege. This was ... [more] Full article

Has the OSC’s “special treatment” by appeal courts come to an end?

Appeals are usually an uphill battle for the party that loses at trial, but for more than two decades the hill has been even steeper for losing parties before the ... [more] Full article

Ontario’s top court refuses to enforce judgment against Antigua and Barbuda

In a recent decision in H.M.B. Holdings  v. Antigua and Barbuda, the Court of Appeal for Ontario upheld a decision to refuse to register in Ontario a British Columbia judgment ... [more] Full article

Defendant’s delay gives Ontario courts jurisdiction under forum of necessity test

In January 2010, two plaintiffs commenced an action in Ontario arising from a car accident that had occurred almost two years earlier in Michigan. More than a year after the action was commenced, the defendant moved to dismiss the action on the basis that Ontario courts lacked jurisdiction over a claim that the defendant said should instead be tried in Michigan. [more] Full article