The Litigator
The Litigator
AGM :: Affleck Greene McMurtry LLP
Affleck Greene McMurtry LLP
365 Bay Street, Suite 200  ·  Toronto, Canada
416 360 2800  ·  ·



Securities regulators provide guidance to investors and market participants during COVID-19 pandemic

After an initial sharp downturn in the Spring of 2020, it would appear that the capital markets are the least of most people’s worries during the COVID-19 pandemic. But we ... [more] Full article

Controversy as IIROC proposes merger with MFDA

In a publication released this month titled Improving Self-Regulation for Canadians, the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada (“IIROC”) has, among other things, proposed a merger of itself with another ... [more] Full article

IIROC and MFDA Can Now Collect Fines in Court

On May 17, 2017, Bill 127 amended the Securities Act which allows both IIROC and the MFDA to file theirĀ  disciplinary decisions with the Superior Court of Justice as enforceable ... [more] Full article

MFDA panel finds that branch manager might have duty to monitor non-registrants at branch

The self regulatory organization for mutual fund dealers, the Mutual Fund Dealers Association of Canada ("MFDA"), made an interesting decision on May 8, 2012 on a motion by a branch ... [more] Full article