Canada’s Anti-Spam Law

Canada’s new Anti-Spam legislation, commonly known as “CASL”, establishes an “opt-in” regime by making it presumptively unlawful to send a commercial electronic message (CEM), unless the recipient has consented to receive it, and the sender includes certain information and an unsubscribe mechanism. CASL applies to anyone who uses email for any commercial purpose. Violators face heavy sanctions, including fines up to $10 million, and private damages actions. Most of CASL’s provisions come into force on July 1, 2014. [more] Full article
Canada’s Foreign Anti-Bribery Law
Canada’s foreign anti-bribery law, the Corruption of Foreign Public Officials Act (CFPOA), makes it a serious criminal offence for Canadians and Canadian companies to bribe foreign government officials. Canadian companies that operate abroad and foreign companies that employ Canadians need to be aware of this law. [more] Full article
Canada’s Competition Law
Canada’s Competition Act applies to all businesses and business activities in Canada. All companies doing business in Canada need to be aware of the Act, as penalties for breach of its provisions can be quite severe. For example, the maximum penalty for price fixing is a fine of up to $25 million and 14 years in jail. The Competition Act applies to three main areas of business conduct that can harm competition: coordinated conduct among competitors, abuse of dominance, and mergers. The Act also includes misleading advertising provisions. [more] Full article