Ontario’s top court defines “material change” in securities litigation

In a pair of companion decisions released on May 24, 2023 (Markowich v. Lundin Mining and Peters v. SNC-Lavalin Group Inc.) the Court of Appeal for Ontario respectively overturned and upheld Superior Court of Justice decisions refusing leave to proceed with proposed class actions under Part XXIII.1 of the Securities Act. Both decisions turned on whether certain events met the definition of a “material change” that the companies should have publicly disclosed sooner. In Lundin Mining, the events were pit wall instability and a rockslide at one of the defendant mining company’s Chilean open pit mines. In SNC-Lavalin, the event was ... [more] Full article
Ontario’s top court overturns decision refusing leave to proceed with misrepresentation claim against mining company
In a decision released on May 24, 2023 in Markowich v. Lundin Mining, the Court of Appeal for Ontario overturned a Superior Court of Justice decision refusing leave to proceed ... [more] Full article
Where’s the beef? Class action alleges price-fixing, restricting supply
A Quebec class action is being brought against four beef companies that are alleged to have an 85% share of the Canadian market and an 80% of the American market. ... [more] Full article
Superior Court Certifies $1.0 Billion Foreign Exchange Price Fixing Class Action
In his decision released earlier this Spring, Ontario Superior Court Justice Paul Perell certified a class action in Mancinelli v. Royal Bank of Canada claiming $1.0 Billion in damages against ... [more] Full article