Auto Parts Cartel Final Tally: 13 Guilty Pleas and $86 Million in Fines

Canada’s Competition Bureau ended its investigation into criminal big-rigging in the auto parts sector with a guilty plea from Japanese auto parts manufacturer INOAC. INOAC pleaded guilty under the Criminal Code to one count of conspiracy to engage in bid-rigging and was ordered to pay fines and surcharges of $1.3 million. With its competitors, INOAC conspired to allocate bids issued by Toyota in 2004 for the supply of plastic interior car parts used in Toyota Corollas manufactured and sold in Canada. The Bureau began its investigation in 2009 after it learned of illegal activity in the auto parts industry through its Immunity Program, which ... [more] Full article
Putting the “car” in “cartel”
Class actions have been filed in Ontario against German carmakers alleging that they coordinated the design and pricing of components in their cars. Kirk Baert, a partner at Koskie Minsky, ... [more] Full article
Mitsubishi Electric Auto Parts Fine Brings Total to $84M
Japanese auto parts manufacturer Mitsubishi Electric has been fined $13.4 million after pleading guilty to participating in illegal agreements with industry competitors to determine who would win certain calls for bids issued ... [more] Full article
No Work No Pay – Fee Sharing Agreements Are Subject to Court’s Review
Class counsel are not permitted to pay off their rival firm using proceeds from the settlement funds in order to avoid competing actions, the Ontario Court of Appeal recently held. This type of payment arrangement ... [more] Full article