Michael Binetti Quoted in Toronto Star: MLSE imposes 30% scalper surcharge on Leafs and Raptors Tickets
MLSE imposes 30 per cent scalper surcharge on Leafs and Raptors season ticket holders deemed to be reselling their seats, published April 16, 2018. ‘After consulting with lawyers, several of [the ticket resellers] told the Star they paid up so they wouldn’t lose their tickets, though they attached notices indicating they were paying under duress and are considering legal action … They may have grounds to do so, said Toronto competition lawyer Michael Binetti. “MLSE’s decision to stop treating all season ticket holders alike has the potential to greatly impact the secondary market and may stifle competition there by giving some ... [more] Full article
Ken Dekker quoted in Law Times: A Potential National Securities Regulator Raises Concerns
Ken Dekker, Affleck Greene McMurtry LLP, partner at Affleck Greene McMurtry LLP, was quoted in a recent Law Times article: A potential national securities regulator raises concerns; Focus on Argument ... [more] Full article
Christopher Somerville interviewed on Law Times TV: What happens when social media and securities law intersect?
Christopher Somerville, Associate at Affleck Greene McMurtry LLP, was interviewed for Law Times TV feature: What happens when social media and securities law intersect?, August 21, 2017 For more legal ... [more] Full article
Canadian Clarity: Supreme Court Provides a Window to Uniform Interpretation of Standard Form Insurance Contract – David Vaillancourt
David Vaillancourt’s article Canadian Clarity: Supreme Court Provides a Window to Uniform Interpretation of Standard Form Insurance Contract was published in the December Journal of the Professional Liability Underwriting Society. [more] Full article